Welcome to Power Fitness PDX

YOU have the power, strength and courage to make your life the best yet. Without even realizing it, you possess incredible determination and dedication to be your most active self possible...you just need a little nudge, education, and support. Through working with Power Fitness PDX your goals will not only be reached, but surpassed. What you thought was physically impossible for you to achieve will seem like a walk in the park when done training with Power Fitness PDX. You will not only feel and look better externally, but internally too. To improve one's strength on the outside has to come from improving their strength on the inside. It is time to Challenge the POWER of YOU! TM

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

hotel gym is lame= no problem!

Spring Break road trip equaled a time for my family to play together, visit old memories and a time for me to train after 5:00 am! While excited, I knew I would have to plan in my workouts accordingly and crossed my fingers the hotel gyms would cooperate with my standards. Unfortunately they didn't.  Not only were they beneath my standards they were sub par to say the least!But, did that stop me from working out and should it stop you?? Heck no!!

Read on for some tips to train while traveling with your family, and a workout to keep you moving in the smallest of hotel rooms.

1. Make sure to pack your running shoes, light layers including a running jacket, and enough workout clothes for each day of your trip. If you have washing machine access, bring two pair of shorts, one set of Capri running pants, 2 sports bras, light rain jacket and light long sleeve layer. If you don't have access, pack one more of everything and wash by hand in the sink, drying while you play during the day. Remember gloves and Body Glide if needed.

2. Look at what your goals are of the trip and add in exercise time to the beginning or end of marathon days. Those are the days when you visit Disneyland, Legoland, or go for an all day train trip wine tasting.

3. If a runner or cyclist, look on a map of the cities you're visiting and where you would like to explore ( or revisit favorite spots of). Set your alarm a smidge earlier than the others rise and enjoy the peaceful time exploring the city. It is often at this time you can get a vibe of the architecture, character and diversity while getting the endorphin rush for the day ahead. Use mapmyrun.com, runfinder.com or ask the concierge where to go according to your distance.

4. Bring your headphones and iPod to ensure you can hear your music and get pumped in the hotel gym. Nicer hotels tend to have the basic, but the gyms can always be in dark rooms that are tucked away. The environment isn't motivating like when in an exercise class or your own home gym. BUT you can make a workout anywhere! Set your timer for 30 minutes to ensure you burn at least 250-400 calories.
Sad Thera Ball Waiting to be Inflated
Lame Gym workout- At the hotel we stayed at Saturday night, the write ups were great! They said 3/4 stars and room rates of $129-240. Unfortunately the reviews must have been written by employees, because it was by no means 3/4 stars.  The gym was horrible... just awful! If I hadn't gone for a long run Saturday, I would have laced up to run on the trail facing the headwind and rain. The gym was in the back corner, windows stuck open with outside whir from the AC, television set to Spanish speaking sports station with no remote control in site, deflated Thera Balls, Precor with missing handles, rusted multigym and bikes without pedals.

But fear not- the multigym seat became a step bench and dip location, the wall a place for wall squats, towel a band to do lat pull downs on the multigym, and stretching area became the primary training zone!  The following workout can be done at any hotel gym, or hotel room.  Space is not key, your motivation is!! 

Do Anywhere Workout
3 minutes step ups on bench/step
Reverse foot raise (on bench/step) stationary lunge- 20x each leg
Speed Skaters- 2 minutes
Push Ups- 1 minute
Stationary Caterpillars to 3 narrow grip push ups- walking back to jump- 20x
Towel Lat Pull Down- 20x
Reverse Jump Lunges- 20x each leg
Wide Spirit Finger Jumping Jacks- 2 minutes
Shoulder Dive Bomb Push Ups- 20x
Wall Sit with Scap Squeeze- 1 minute
Mountain Climbers-20x to Plank hold- 30 seconds

Repeat 3-5x

Have fun traveling and enjoy the adventures!

--- Erin Kreitz Shirey- Power Fitness PDX Master Trainer & Coach
                 powerfitnesspdx@gmail.com       503.70312.69        www.powerfitnesspdx.com  

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Thank you for reading Power Fitness PDX Blog. Have a healthy and adventurous day.
---Erin Kreitz Shirey
CEO, Owner & Master Trainer