Welcome to Power Fitness PDX

YOU have the power, strength and courage to make your life the best yet. Without even realizing it, you possess incredible determination and dedication to be your most active self possible...you just need a little nudge, education, and support. Through working with Power Fitness PDX your goals will not only be reached, but surpassed. What you thought was physically impossible for you to achieve will seem like a walk in the park when done training with Power Fitness PDX. You will not only feel and look better externally, but internally too. To improve one's strength on the outside has to come from improving their strength on the inside. It is time to Challenge the POWER of YOU! TM

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Workout Wednesday- March 14th, 2012

Are you getting a bit stir crazy from the rain?
Are you ready to bring it up a notch in your own home?
 Get sweaty now with this workout...

Need: Jump Rope (or pretend), stop watch, water bottle, towel

Rainy Day Rack UP The Sweat Workout
Jump rope for 90 seconds
20 Jump Squats
20 Count High Knees
20 Count Speed Skaters
20 Caterpillars

Repeat above circuit doing exercises with proper form 3x and 2-3x faster.

Speed Jump Rope - 60 seconds
Reverse Jump Lunges - 30 seconds
Crab Dips with Alternate Leg Kicks-30 seconds
Air Punching Bag in front- to right -to left-30 seconds
Dive Bomb Push Ups- 30 seconds
Bicycles-30 seconds

Repeat circuit 3x and go 2-3x faster. 

Wipe off sweat, sit down and listen to the rain trickling on the windows.

Congrats on making your rainy day workout a keeper....

Remember to always CHALLENGE yourself and to Dig Deep. Play Hard! 

Coach Erin Kreitz Shirey

Some rainy day, post RDRUS Workout, dress up with my Kiddo equates laughs for you.  Cheers- Coach Erin

And an old workout video with some options of cardio drills to do with your babes:

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Thank you for reading Power Fitness PDX Blog. Have a healthy and adventurous day.
---Erin Kreitz Shirey
CEO, Owner & Master Trainer