Welcome to Power Fitness PDX

YOU have the power, strength and courage to make your life the best yet. Without even realizing it, you possess incredible determination and dedication to be your most active self possible...you just need a little nudge, education, and support. Through working with Power Fitness PDX your goals will not only be reached, but surpassed. What you thought was physically impossible for you to achieve will seem like a walk in the park when done training with Power Fitness PDX. You will not only feel and look better externally, but internally too. To improve one's strength on the outside has to come from improving their strength on the inside. It is time to Challenge the POWER of YOU! TM

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Vacation Workouts - MAKE it happen!

You have packed your bag, planned out which beach reads to bring, and been dreaming of long days playing with your friends on VACATION!  But while you are vacationing, don't let all of your hard training and countless hours of burpees, sprints and push ups go to waste.  Try these workouts and you will come back from holiday even stronger than when you left!

2 Workout Outfits ... to encourage you to workout! Washing machines were created for a reason!
Resistance Band
Jump Rope
If driving, bring a Medicine Ball too

Decline Push Ups - early morning vacation training
 Circuit One: Bodyweight 
*no equipment necessary
1 Minute Running in Place
1 Minute Boulders
1 Minute Reverse Jump Lunges
1 Minute Decline Push Ups
1 Minute Dips With Leg Kicks
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Mountain Climbers With Alternate Knees Crossing Body (Right knee crossing midline towards left elbow. Left knee crossing midline towards right elbow)
1 Minute Heismans
1 Minute Step Ups - Alternating Legs
1 Minute Jumping Jacks
Repeat 2-4x, totaling 20-40 minutes


Circuit Two: Having a BALL

* Medicine Ball and Jump Rope
Set Tabata Timer App to 50 seconds on, 
10 seconds recovery, 6 cycles. Repeat 5 Tabatas.

Medicine Ball Plank

Jump Rope Single Stepping
Medicine Ball Push Ups- Rotating Sides each Push Up
Single Leg Bent Over Row with Medicine Ball - alternate 5x/ each leg until Timer dings
Jump Rope Speed Rope with incorporating High Knees
Walking Lunges with Medicine Ball Rotations
Medicine Ball Plank

Circuit Three: Band of FUN
* Exercise Band and Jump Rope
1 Minute High Knees
20 Reps Squat Bicep Overhead Press - SBO
1 Minute Speed Skaters
20 Steps Side to Side in X- Walk
1 Minute Squat Planks (Squat position, jump back to plank, immediately jump up to low squat)
20 Reps Reverse Lunge with Lat Pull Down (Attach Band to a railing/pole/stable object that is 4-6 inches taller than you)
1 Minute Boulders
20 Reps Plank Jack Push Ups
Repeat Circuit 3-5 times

Just RUN!!!
In addition to the workouts, plan runs and bike rides in the places you are visiting.  Add kayaking, Stand Up Paddleboarding, water skiing, hiking and any other activity that you would not do at home. Make your trips the most active, fun filled and adventurous yet! 

Copyright 2012 - Erin Kreitz Shirey

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dig Deep Play Hard Challenge- Days 12-21/21

Dig Deep Play Hard Challenge Map from Days 12-21.  You can do this Challenge. You have it in YOU to push yourself to try something new and become your best self yet. Challenge the Power of YOU!

Day 12:  Did you read the update for Days 1-11? How are you on your path? Did you push it hard in today's workout? Was your cardio hour full of HIIT intervals? Did you drink your water, eat clean, no wheat or sugar? 8 hours sleep each night? Tackling your To-Do Lists? Today was a PUSH day--- work the workouts so they don't work you wrong. Be ready, tomorrow is another workout and nutrition ideas and options.
Day 13:WOW, the 100 Club Workout is a TOUGH one. Your entire body will love you. Modifications you can make if needed: Down Dog Push Ups- do 5 right, 5 left, 5 right, 5 left for your 20. Burpees with Jacks-...if you are getting tired shift to 6 reps, or 2 reps with each burpee.
How ARE you doing? Do you feel cleaner today, day 5 of no sugar or wheat? Are you drinking all of your water? Have you noticed you overindulge in one foodgroup? Are you writing in your journal? Keep up all of your hardwork!! Only 8 days left! 100 Club Video Here

Day 14: Active Rest Day- Stick with the Challenge as best you CAN, and do something fun today. Not a specific workout, but an active day with eating clean. Ride your bike to the Farmer's Market, explore new neighborhoods by foot, do a walking adventure in the city you live, play beach volleyball, go on an adventure date, or host a dance party in your backyard.

Day 15: GET back on track today. Yesterday was a fun day of celebration, independence and enjoying family and friends. Today, log your food, drink your water, eat CLEAN, get your HIIT cardio in and strength workout from Day 13 (repeat that workout again on Saturday, Day 17), journal, limit wheat and sugar (or omit them again) and eat two veggies and fruit at lu...nch, dinner and snacks.
You have noticed how you feel now when you taking care of your body inside and out. You can feel the difference from when you were eating before. The next 4 nights, get to bed 30 minutes earlier to read a fun book. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep.

There are 6 days left of the Challenge. Remember, do what YOU can do! You have worked so very hard and know how and when you feel good now. Keep it up!
Day 16: Today, get your hour of cardio intervals in, do an additional 20 minutes of HIIT Training later in the day (yes, 1 hour 20 minutes total of cardio) and core work:
1 minute plank
30 seconds Mountain Climbers
30 seconds side plank toe touch Right
30 seconds side plank toe touch Left
30 seconds Burpees
Repeat 4 times (total time 12 minutes)

In addition, refer to the To Do list you created last week. Finish up the tasks holding you back, and be done with them. They are yours to conquer and once you do, 10 pounds lifted from your shoulders. Refer to BLOG post here.

Day 17 & day 18/21- Days to follow up to push, and step back to assess your work. How did you do? Where are you feeling stronger and weaker? Have you learned a lot along the way, or are you feeling as if you struggled through the 18 days?
The last three days of the Challenge, I want you to embrace every element.

1. Drink 85-100 oz water

2. Sleep 8 hours

3. EAT CLEAN and log food

4. No sugar or...wheat

5. Cardio with HIIT intervals 60 minutes/day

6. Strength work Day 19 & 21, with Core work focus Day 20 (videos day 19 and 20)

7. Pre plan your food

8. Focus on To-Do List and refer back to it

9. Step back for 20 minutes to have no technology, read a book or meditate

10. Refer to your goals; highlight your strengths, see how far you have come, what you would like to work on next, where you feel you'd like to grow and how your nutrition affects your daily activities

11. Add in 20 extra minutes of cardio and strength intervals- Day 4 video.

Day 19: You can do this workout and you WILL do this workout. You have worked hard for 19 days, just 3 more. Keep it up! Strength Workout Here

Day 20: Get Centered-When out doing errands and work today, spare the air and use your body to go from point A to B. Run, walk, bike, skateboard or heck, why not kayak to your destination if you can. Once there, smile and say "Hello" to as many people as you can. I promise you will feel much more centered and relaxed after.- Being centered allows you to step back, assess, and then push farther ahead.  YOU are almost at the end of 3 weeks.

Day 21: Core Workout. You had asked for one, I promised and while it is 24 hours late, it was made with love for you. Now tell me, what is one thing you learned about yourself with this Challenge? Recap tomorrow, but tonight, think about one thing you gained (in addition to strength), while you lost inches.
Core Video Here

Dig Deep Play Hard Challenge- FINAL DAY!! How are YOU feeling? What did you learn? What nuggets will you incorporate after the challenge?
I dare YOU to now push yourself and register for something athletic you have never done. A triathlon, a half marathon/10K/5K, Kayak race, soccer tournament, rock climbing trip, or an overnight running relay.
I was able to push it hard, gained strength, lost stress and 4 pounds along the way. So excited! KEEP IT UP!!
Dig deep. Play Hard!

Coach Erin Kreitz Shirey
Video Link Here
** Please share your nuggets you've learned along the way, and what you will incorporate from now on. SO proud of you!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 16/21- Dig Deep Play Hard Challenge

Day 16 is here, means there are only 5 days left of the Dig Deep Play Hard Challenge! Congratulations on your hard work, your energy spent trying to take ownership of your health and fitness and goal to feel lighter inside and out, mentally and physically.

Many of you shared the hardest part has been nutrition.  You know that eating clean is best, but when going to BBQ's, eating out with family and friends, and playing there are many temptations for you to resist. It is challenging at times, but notice how you feel when you eat foods that aren't clean.  How do you sleep? Can you function as well as if you are nourished with the more nutritious food?  There is a balance to find and that is 85/90% to 10/15% rule.  Eat Clean 85-90% of the time, and you have wiggle room 10-15% of the time.  That is being realistic. Planning for parties, events out, favorite treats.  When you are all or nothing, your mind rebels and the triggers will be ten - fold compared to eating treats in moderation.  Be realistic.  Yes, you will now see food as fuel, and want to eat cleaner since you feel better after. You also need to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and family events enjoying life, not being tied to numbers.  If you have a family celebration, enjoy a healthy salad at home before, sip water between wine, and plan that week to have a few extra treats at the party equating an extra workout leading up to the event and after.  Life balances out, and that balance is what you need to feel good.

It is similar to the post holiday mindset that I posted yesterday:
Thursday, July 5th, 2012
"GET back on track today. Yesterday was a fun day of celebration, independence and enjoying family and friends. Today, log your food, drink your water, eat CLEAN, get your HIIT cardio in and strength workout from Day 13 (repeat that workout again on Saturday, Day 17), journal, limit wheat and sugar (or omit them again) and eat two veggies and fruit at lunch, dinner and snacks.

You have noticed how you feel now when you taking care of your body inside and out. You can feel the difference from when you were eating before. The next 4 nights, get to bed 30 minutes earlier to read a fun book. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep.

There are 6 days left of the Challenge. Remember, do what YOU can do! You have worked so very hard and know how and when you feel good now. Keep it up!

Coach Erin

Today, Day 16, get your hour of cardio intervals in, do an additional 20 minutes of HIIT Training later in the day (yes, 1 hour 20 minutes total of cardio) and core work:

1 minute plank
30 seconds Mountain Climbers
30 seconds side plank toe touch Right
30 seconds side plank toe touch Left
30 seconds Burpees
Repeat 4 times (total time 12 minutes)

In addition, refer to the To Do list you created last week.  Finish up the tasks holding you back, and be done with them.  They are yours to conquer and once you do, 10 pounds lifted from your shoulders.

Have a great afternoon and make time to Challenge the  Power of YOU!

Coach Erin Kreitz Shirey

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 1st- Day 11/21 Days - Dig Deep Play Hard Challenge Halfway There

Wahoo!!  You have been working hard, making changes, are figuring out how to incorporate the DDPH Challenge into your daily life. We are over the half way point.  Let's recap each day thus far:

Power Fitness PDX Dig Deep Play Hard Challenge- Watch the Video to learn more.

Day 1: The Rules of the Challenge: Back to the beginning at Day 1/21. The rules and whys of the Challenge. Some questions for you to get started:
  1. What are your goals the next 21 days? Nutrition, Fitness, Energy, Balance, Life
  2. How are you feeling NOW?  Do you wake up and feel bound with energy, or are you sluggish? 
  3. How much do you exercise daily? Weekly? 
  4. How often do you see your friends, and talk to them on the phone? NOT text and email, but actual conversation hearing the octaves in their voices.
  5. How do you take time to step back and reset your inner clock?   
Contine reading Day 1: The RULES & more HERE

Day 2: Day 2/21- Mapping out your Weekend is important! How do you feel after Day One? You can do this Challenge, it is in you! Adventure, Organization, Time Management is in you and you can be successful. Day 2 Video HERE

Day 3: Day 3/21 - Eat Clean!  How do you eat clean? What do you do to manage your food intake and to make clean eating appealing to your palate? Read the specifics for Clean Eating HERE 

Day 4: Day 4/21 - Meal Planning for the week, cardio training, how are YOU doing? Plan ahead and you can make it happen. Day 4 begins going to bed at 9:30 pm (or to make it so you have 8 hours of sleep).  Workout #1 for YOU to do on Day 4. 25 minutes long. Day 4 Video HERE

Day 5: Day 5/21 - You are FEELING better by now, incorporating a few of the nuggets to your week. SO proud of you. Push through your workouts, feel depleted at the end, know your body will allow you do it!! Learn more about Day 5 and cleaning out the heaviness weighing you down.  Day 5 Video HERE

Day 6: Day 6/21 - Great workout for you to do, and following up on your To-Do list. Blast through the list, it can be done and you will feel lighter with the heavy tasks being accomplished.  Day 6 Video (You do on Day 8 too) with workout HERE

Day 7: Day 7/21- You get to enjoy your efforts and keep working hard!  Check these two food ideas for Clean Eating Options: Breakfast & Dinner 

Day 8: Day 8/21 - Updates on some Dig Deep Play Hard Challenge participants, reminders what you are doing, and refresher about your weight and self esteem. Day 8 Blog HERE

Day 9: Day 9/21 - YOU have worked hard, and now have seen some changes.  Today marks when you will have 5 days of no wheat and no sugar.  Day 9 Video HERE

Day 10: Day 10/21 - You are almost halfway to the finish line.  This workout is set for 8 exercises, 1 minutes each, repeat 3-8 rounds.  You will need medicine ball, band, weights, mat (or no mat). Do the workout Day 10 & Day 12. Day 10 Video HERE

Day 11: Day 11/21 - You get to rest today- phew! You have had a couple days of no wheat and no sugar, check in on how you feel. JOURNAL! Drink more water. Friendly reminder for you on your rest day.
Day 11 Blog HERE

How are YOU doing now?? What have you found to be your biggest strengths, weaknesses, joys and challenges?  Personally, I am feeling much better with no wheat and sugar for the past 3 days. There were triggers, let me tell you, as it isn't always easy.  The weekend was fun filled visiting but with trigger/my weak spot moments Ghiradelli with my daughter, moments of solo parenting while my husband is traveling and nobody to juggle kids with at the 5/6:00 pm nutty time, and going out with friends being offered wonderful wines.  Nope, the triggers didn't get me this weekend and it has felt great. I was able to have fun adventure days, tackle some To-Do's, have great workouts, play A LOT with my kidlet and get some work done.  That is success! What are your successes?  Keep me posted and have a great night!


Coach Erin Kreitz Shirey

Day 11: Empower YOU- Your weight is only a number

Read these words on the photo of the scale. Believe them! Print out this picture, please.

FYI- I am 5'1", 116-119 lbs. My favorite weight is between 112-119. Interestingly, this places me at a higher BMI. My bodyfat today was 20.1%. Normally is is between 17-21% and with peak training it is 15-17%. I just placed 3rd overall in Mermaid Triathlon and 2nd overall in See Jane Run 5k. But according to numbers, my "weight" is in the healthy but high range and don't get me started on the BMI.  "Healthy" Body Fat for a female is between 22-26.

5 years ago, even as a trainer, I wouldn't share my weight as I was embarrassed it wasn't less as it "should be". But guess why??? Because muscle weighs more than fat! I am happy, strong, healthy and have fun daily!!

Friends, remember, it is HOW you feel! HOW you perform! HOW active and strong you are. It is NOT the number telling you to have a great day or not. Don't let the number tell you if you should "go out with friends", or don't, because you are embarrassed you haven't lost the 10 pounds you wanted to. Life is to short to not be proud of YOU. There is only ONE YOU!!!

Men and women alike, get strong and become your healthiest yet and then you'll feel inside as incredible as you look outside!

Challenge the Power of YOU!
Xoxox Coach Erin