Welcome to Power Fitness PDX

YOU have the power, strength and courage to make your life the best yet. Without even realizing it, you possess incredible determination and dedication to be your most active self possible...you just need a little nudge, education, and support. Through working with Power Fitness PDX your goals will not only be reached, but surpassed. What you thought was physically impossible for you to achieve will seem like a walk in the park when done training with Power Fitness PDX. You will not only feel and look better externally, but internally too. To improve one's strength on the outside has to come from improving their strength on the inside. It is time to Challenge the POWER of YOU! TM

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Couples that train together, stay together! Valentine's LOVE exercises

* Tip- Register for a race together. Always fun to train, race and finish celebrating each others' successes! Photo is before the 100th Dipsea Race - 6.13.10

*Tip- Make each other laugh as you face one another in squats or compete when racing to the stop sign! Laughter is wonderful medicine for any relationship too...

*Tip- Find active couples and 
hit the trails, with your partner and friends!It is always fun to exercise with other like-minded active couples. Mark your calendars- 
Next date night for Power Fitness PDX is March 4th!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

REAL goals- REAL friends- REAL health

It is now January 31st, 31 days into 2011. How are YOUR goals coming along?  Are you meeting them? If not, what is holding you back and keeping you from challenging yourself?  Did you actually "put your goals out there" as suggested?  It has been proven to make a significant difference when it comes to achieving them.  Now, check in time.

At the beginning of each Power Fitness PDX class, we do a check in. The check in does have a focus, without some participants even realizing it.  When discussing what participants want to accomplish at the at the beginning of each session, they are stating something to be worked on and achieved.  It is not to solely wake up and exercise 3 times each week, but to wake up and push to do 20 strong push ups in class or to go running twice each week on Tuesday and Thursday.  When making the announcement in Check In's, the words are "out there" and can't be taken back.

Earlier this month, I wrote a piece for The Power MOB about goal setting and specific exercises for those strapped on time.  Following up on that, is the art of making time and following up on your goals.  With checking in with one person, two persons, three or more you add one more layer to your support network.  You want to be supported by people who believe in you, but are also honest with you.  If you are telling yourself and your friends you are pushing it 110% in class and I notice you are taking rests every 5 minutes, you will be called out because that does not help YOU in achieving your goals.  Where ever you are with your personal goals, reassess.  I just did, and this is what I personally realized when checking in with my teammate, my husband Jack. 

In November, I registered for the Wildflower Half Ironman. I felt if Makenzie could conquer the hospital and her battle for life, i could conquer one of the toughest Half Ironmans. It was a means to prove to myself and to her that anything is possible. But, she was back in the hospital in December for another couple weeks and didn't have a real green light of going to school until December 29th. The race is now 3 months away. With the training hours that go into a Half Ironman, I have to downgrade to the Olympic Distance of the race. Makenzie still has many needs and isn't in school a full day, Jack's new position has him working late hours and I have re-launched Power Fitness PDX full force.
Thus my training time for this distance is altered significantly. To keep that pressure over me of the Half Ironman wasn't fair because it was eating at my value of self and balance. Now, I am training for the Olympic Distance for Wildflower, will do 3 more Olympic Distance Tri's this Summer, and hopefully a Half Ironman if timing allows. If not, there is next Summer.  With shifting the focus, it has the intensity of workouts and my time with my kids on a more quality based level.  The balance is back in place and I am able to enjoy, verses stress, over meeting my own athletic goals.

Check in with your goals.  Talk to your support team about where you are, and evaluate what needs to be changed.  There is no day like today to get started.  Don't worry about what you are not completing, but focus on what you are and how to conquer the next step. You can do it, you have support, you have each hour to GO FOR IT!  

--  Erin Kreitz Shirey, 2011
In addition to being the CEO, Lead Coach & Trainer for Power Fitness PDX, Erin has her BS in Kinesiology, nationally certified personal trainer and certified sports nutritionist. Erin can be contacted at powerfitnesspdx@gmail.com or www.powerfitnesspdx.com