Welcome to Power Fitness PDX

YOU have the power, strength and courage to make your life the best yet. Without even realizing it, you possess incredible determination and dedication to be your most active self possible...you just need a little nudge, education, and support. Through working with Power Fitness PDX your goals will not only be reached, but surpassed. What you thought was physically impossible for you to achieve will seem like a walk in the park when done training with Power Fitness PDX. You will not only feel and look better externally, but internally too. To improve one's strength on the outside has to come from improving their strength on the inside. It is time to Challenge the POWER of YOU! TM

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Are You READY TO ROCK 2010?!? One month in, 11 months to blast it!

Power Fitness PDXxzmx has been striving to meet many goals since the clock struck midnight on January 1, 2010, you too? How are your goals going? Did you write them down- are you reaching them? Are you making a point to exercise 5-6 days/week- and actually push yourself?

NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GO FOR IT! Let Power Fitness PDX make 2010 the BEST YEAR YET! Register ASAP at www.powerfitnesspdx.com  Classes have truly challenged people to reach outside their comfort zone and strive to become their strongest and most athletic selves yet. As a TEAM everyone works together and inspires one another in each workout. The focus in Power Fitness PDX is on measurements and body strength... BUT through monthly dedication of training 3-4x/week the average physical changes are 4-8 pounds, 4 inches , 30% strength increase, and 2-3% body fat loss.

50+ Class, Women Only Boot Camp & Co-Ed Boot Camp starting! Next Month 3 & 4x/week sessions begin.

Power Fitness PDX

Power Fitness PDX creates athletes from weekend warriors, and reenergizes the high school and collegiate athletes that once were motivated and now are figuring out the balance of the working world and living a healthy lifestyle.  With the TEAM ™ approach in this co-ed class, everyone is motivated to come back to the next session day to not only get stronger, but LIVE stronger, faster and healthier than before. How could you not be motivated to MOVE when "playing outside" like your parents always told you to after school?  See you at the beach!

Dates:  Tue/Thu
Time:   5:30-6:30 pm
Where: Crown Beach (Mar.-Oct.)
Cost:  2x/week= $135        
* Special Drop In Classes available for 2/18, 2/23 & 2/25. Register under "$20 Drop In".

Women Only Boot Camp
** Per the request of many ladies**
Everyone is an athlete, now is the time to find your athlete. Class is intense, challenging and within one session you could see an increase in 25% strength, average of 5-7 pounds weight loss, and energy to conquer the day like never before. Must commit to either 2, 3, 4x/week. Session 1 is only meeting 2x/week. Session 2 forward classes meet 2-4x/week.

* All Sessions include pre/post class measurements and fitness testing.

Dates: Tuesday/Thursday - 2/2-2/25
Time: 5:30-6:30 am
Where: Vet's Hall, 2203 Central Ave., Alameda CA
Cost: 2x/week= $135
Register: www.powerfitnesspdx.com

50+ Boot Camp
It is 2010 and now is the time to take care of YOU. You want to chase your grandkids, go on an adventure trip to Italy with your spouse, climb Mt. Shasta or just feel the energy and excitement to wake up every day healthy. Class is comprised of cardio drills, strength drills, core work, balance and agility work. Now is the time to make fitness fun and "Challenge the Power of YOU™".

* All Sessions include pre/post class measurements upon request.

Dates: Tuesday & Thursday , 2/2-2/25
Time: 9:00-10:00 am
Where: Vet's Hall, 2203 Central Ave., Alameda CA
Cost: $120/Session of 8 Classes

Register via Alameda Recreation & Parks Department - www.ci.alameda.ca.us/arpd
or 510.747.7529


I look forward to having Power Fitness PDX to not only help you reach your health and fitness goals, but surpass them!


Erin Kreitz Shirey- Owner, Lead Trainer and Coach
BS Kinesiology
ACE, NASM, Fit to Deliver and Stott Pilates
c- 503.703.1269
e- powerfitnesspdx@gmail.com
w- www.powerfitnesspdx.com
t- http://twitter.com/powerfitness 

Monday, January 11, 2010



New Year- New Power Fitness PDX- JOIN For Pre-Session Classes


I hope the New Year finds you well thus far. Are you embarking on meeting your health and fitness goals? How are they going? Are you ready to make them even more attainable and then set a new level of goals? 

NOW is the time!  Power Fitness PDX peeps found rewards immediately when they started taking classes.  They lost inches, gained significant strength, learned they were truly athletes, and inspired others to not only exercise but identify themselves as healthy and active role models.  A big part of that is the TEAM - Together. Empower. Achieve. Motivate TM component.  In my opinion, even if you have a fearless leader to train you it is the empowerment of working alongside others that helps get you to the next level. But it is also with the encouragement, support, knowledge and training that I help guide and get you there. 

Thus, I am very excited for the class options I will be doing in Alameda.  I am adding a Women's Only class, 50+ Class, Singleton fun Night (we did this in Portland and it was a blast), and Family Fitness Class. 

This week I am starting some pre-class classes.  It will be a fun way to see what Power is all about, and have a friend join you for the workout.  All you have to do is let me know you can make it, which dates or all, and bring water, towel, and some days bring 5# and 10# weights.  The classes are so much fun and I can't wait until February to start teaching.  The pre classes are only $10/time instead of the usual $20.  Cash/check/PayPal.

Traditional Class Format - functional fitness boot camp

Schedule starting Friday, January 15th, is:

Bay Farm Island Path- Meet at the base of the Bay Farm Bridge and Veterans Street, adjacent to the tennis courts of Harbor Bay Club map

M/W-9:00-10:00 am

Crown Beach- Meet at the grassy area where Shoreline "ends" and Westline begins, by the windsurf shop hut map

F- 9:00-10:00 am

Please let me know if you are interested, which classes you can attend.  I look forward to seeing you again and sharing the morning with you while you are rocking your health and fitness goals!


Erin Kreitz Shirey- Owner, Lead Trainer and Coach
BS Kinesiology
ACE, NASM, Fit to Deliver and Stott Pilates
c- 503.703.1269
a- po box 1077, alameda, ca 94501
e- powerfitnesspdx@gmail.com
b- www.powerfitnesspdx.blogspot.com
t- http://twitter.com/powerfitness 

Last date of Team Session- Team Trains Trainer Erin

Oh yeah, they brought it!  The Power Fitness PDX Team was all to happy to train me on the last day.  They came up with challenges to let me know they were quite happy to push me to my next level...and they did a fabulous job.  Each teammate picked what they wanted to do and how I should do it.  Danielle even brought ankle weights for me to wear throughout the class for an added challenge.  I loved it! Truly a fantastic way to let me know the Team was learning and taking home what they did every morning between 5:30 - 6:30 am.  They have come, trained and conquered!

Warm Up- Jog...
Then...4 laps Frog Leaps with weights, Caterpillars with 5 push ups in between, Medicine Ball Power squats/hops/twists, Hamstring Pelvic Tilt Pulses and Lifts, Power Blast Steps with Dips/Lunges/Jumps, Wall Squats and Box Jumps, Burpees, Balance Toe Touch Downs, 5-Point Lunges, Crazy Planks and more.  
Danielle adding weights

Caterpillars & more Caterpillars

Teammate Zach came by to be in on the "Blast the trainer day", even with having to head to a med school exam.

They DID it!   Rockstar Team!!!

Fun Photos From Power!

Over and UNDER and GO GO GO!  Faster= Harder Challenge 

Last Day of Power Fitness PDX - 12.22.2009!  Some regulars were unable to join, and some veterans came for the fun!  FANTASTIC group of women (and men too!) who truly inspire one another.